Murkong Selek College


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Vision & Mission

Our Vision

The modest vision of the college is to create and provide facilities to the deserving and aspiring students residing in this border, TSP and riverine areas to pursue quality higher education among them and thereby moulding them intellectually competent, socially accountable and committed and morally upright.

Our Mission

  1. The College strives to be a centre of excellence, catering to the need and aspiration of the academically and socially backward population residing in this area.
  2. To impart quality higher education to the students with strong foundation and thereby making them eligible and competent to face and meet the challenges of the present day world.
  3. To create an academic atmosphere of higher learning in the backward societies and communities of this area.
  4. To inculcate discipline among the students in terms of sincerity, regularity, punctuality and to develop them into socially responsible citizen.
  5. To generate and create congenial atmosphere for peace, harmony, amity, social development and progress among the various communities residing in this region.
  6. To enable the people to give up superstitious beliefs and bring more and more consciousness and scientific outlook in the society.