Principal Desk
PRINCIPAL(I/C): Dr. Dipok Kumar Doley, MA, Ph.D
From the Desk of the Principal
I have the pleasure in presenting you the Prospectus of Murkong Selek College, Jonai for the academic session 2022-2023. Established in 1984, the Murkong Selek College, Jonai is a premier educational institution of Jonai Sub-Division. It is a co-educational institution with more than 1800 students at present.
Murkong Selek College is committed to quality education, teaching and congenial environment for academic development. Efforts are ceaselessly made to enhance the Quality of teaching-learning process. The college has its own support services to ensure the physical and intellectual growth of the student community. The college attempts to be responsive to community needs and frequently conducts relevant extensional activities and awareness programmes. I feel proud to acknowledge the contribution of highly qualified, dynamic faculty, non-teaching staff, parents, alumni and my students for these collaborative tasks. I am confident that our students will be able to cope with today’s ever changing and competitive world and come out with flying colours.
I appeal to all stake holders to give their best and make this institution a modern temple of learning through diligence, devotion and dedication.
Best Wishes